Wednesday 15 February 2012


  HzO uses a WaterBlock technology that is based on a thin film nano-coating that provides a layer of protection around electronic circuity & blocks out moisture. So you can literally go swimming with your phone, take it to the beach, use a glass full of water as a mobile stand or flush it down the toilet if you must, HzO survives it all ! The best part is, even with the back lid open & the battery exposed, your phone still works !
 HzO says it already has a system for applying WaterBlock to a high volume of units and adds that it's made from nontoxic, organic material that doesn't change the look, feel, or weight of a device. HzO told Pocket-lint that the company is in talks with Samsung and Apple, as well as a company that makes headphones, to possibly manufacture their devices with the technology.
 HzO President Paul Clayson said he expects to see WaterBlock-treated consumer devices this summer and plans to expand its use to other electronics, including cameras, solid-state laptops, medical equipment, and gaming devices.

Here is a brief survey of what the media are saying:

The New York Times: “The most astonishing products here at the International Consumer Electronics Show are often the ones you can’t buy yet, like a process called WaterBlock from the company HzO. In a demonstration, an iPod with the WaterBlock treatment — not enclosed in any kind of case or covering — was dropped in a fish tank while playing, and it played on undisturbed … for hours.”

 TechWorld: “Plunge your iPhone in water. No case required. A Utah-based company has developed a way to make iPhones and other gadgets waterproof. Attendees at this year's Consumer Electronics Show have been pulling up short at HzO's demonstrations, which include a fully functional iPhone repeatedly submerged in water yet still playing music, and an iPad that works after it has been dunked.”

USA Today: “Nothing catches your attention more than seeing a Samsung tablet and iPod Nano completely submerged in water. Then demonstrators pull them out of their tank and turn them on. How is this possible? A new technology called WaterBlock from HzO that keeps the insides of a device dry, even after it takes a plunge. WaterBlock is a thin film nano-coating that covers the circuitry inside a smartphone, tablet or other device.

MacWorld: “Rather than create a waterproof case, HzO opens up the devices and waterproofs the internal components. The device can even fill up with water and continue to work.” TechCrunch: “50 Cent weighs in (on) waterproof phones. Among other things, he seemed to be quite enamored with HzO’s impressive waterproofing technology, which we got a glimpse of in action last night. He even revealed that he talked to HzO about the potential of teaming up to create waterproof headsets, though that’s not all he’d like to see getting the waterproof treatment. ‘We should be waterproofing telephones,’ Mr. Cent said. I’m right there with him, though I guess he didn’t see the Galaxy S II (protected by HzO’s WaterBlock™) survive getting dunked last night.”

Brighthand Smartphone News & Reviews: “I saw an amazing demonstration from HzO…. [T]his company has developed a process that builds protection in on a molecular level. It adds not the slightest hint of extra bulk to the device, but seems to provide perfect protection. Forbes: “A waterproofing treatment is making wet smartphones a thing of the past, giving consumers added protection for their beloved devices…The revolutionary technology gives devices a thin, waterproof nano-coating — from the inside out — that protects the circuitry inside.”

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